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Bode Lecture Slides

This page contains the slides for the presentation given by one of the authors of this book,
Graham Goodwin, at the the 38th Conference on Decision and Control. This conference was held in Phoenix Arizona from the 8th to the 10th of December 1999. The CDC is held by the IEEE Control Systems Society, and Professor Goodwin was awarded the Hendrik Bode Lecture Prize for 1999.

The title of the presentation is:

Into the Next Millennium with Bode: From Linear to Nonlinear

You may download a copy of the lecture slides in PowerPoint format here (7.41MB).

Alternately, you can view the slides in HTML format, starting below. Note that you must have a version 4 browser to view these - i.e. your browser must support the cascading style sheets CSS 1.0 and JavaScript. If the slide selection box does not appear below, you cannot view the slides in HTML format, so you will have to download the PowerPoint slides and use Microsoft's PowerPoint viewer.

The HTML version of the slides also come with a text explanation, which can be accessed from the slide pages. The explanation is displayed in a new, smaller window, and the idea is that you resize your browser window so that you can see both the slide and the explanation together.

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