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Instructional Lecture Slides

The following lecture slides have been made available to support control educators in the development and delivery of course material. The slides are structured around the Control System Design text and enable lecturers to quickly and easily prepare integrated course material.

Alternatively readers may simply use these slides as a summary and overview of the key concepts presented in the book.

Browse or download the lecture slides.

A First Course in Automatic Control - in Spanish

The transparencies in this section are made available to assist Spanish language Control educators who use the Control Systems Design text. The transparencies make up a first course in Automatic Control and were designed by Julio Braslavsky for the first semester 2002 at the Department of Engineering Automation of the University of Quilmes, Argentina. The transparencies are organized into 20 classes that cover chapters 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11 and 15 of Control System Design text. The transparencies can be browsed or downloaded in pdf format.

Browse or download the lecture slides.

Graham Goodwin's Bode Lecture Presentation

The slides and accompanying explainations are supplied for the presentation titled Into the Next Millennium with Bode: From Linear to Nonlinear . One of the authors of this book, Graham Goodwin, delivered this presentation at the the 38th Conference on Decision and Control. This conference was held in Phoenix Arizona from the 8th to the 10th of December 1999. The CDC is held by the IEEE Control Systems Society, and Professor Goodwin was awarded the Hendrik Bode Lecture Prize for 1999.

Browse or download the bode lecture slides.