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Hints For Using the Lecture Slides

The slides are closely related to the text, aiding the educator in producing carefully integrated course material. However, many educators may still desire to further customize their presentations. Some hints for doing this follow.

Using a Subset of the Slides

It is the author's wishes that each individual slide remain intact. That said, for teaching purposes often only a subset of the slides may be required. While using the hard copy transparencies presents no difficulty here, for electronic presentations some extra steps are required.

In order to meet the author's desire to maintain slide integrity, text and graphics selection have been disabled. Unfortunately a side effect is that this PDF document can't have pages extracted or be imported into another PDF document. However there is a work around:

Adobe Acrobat® 4.0 (commercial software) can be used to delete all unwanted slides from a copy of the slide chapter. You can also import your PDF files into this document, provided the security settings on the document to be imported are turned off (unfortunately the slides cannot be imported into your documents - security settings again!). The steps are as follow:

  1. Create your slides ( in power point? ).
  2. Convert them to PDF (using Adobe Acrobat® Distiller®?) ensuring all security settings are OFF.
  3. Open a copy of the CSD Slides PDF file in Acrobat®.
  4. Press the button "Show/Hide Navigation Pane".
  5. Select the thumbnails of unwanted slides in the navigation pane and delete them (DEL key)
  6. Next use "Documents->Insert Pages" from the menu bar and import your PDF file
  7. Drag and drop the slide thumbnails into the desired order
  8. Save the PDF file.... Ready for the presentation.

Sorry about recommending commercial software - considerable time has been spent trying to come up with a solution using Ghostscript (freeware) unfortunately to no avail yet.

Annotating the slides:

PDF files can be annotated using Adobe Acrobat®, allowing the educator to further adapt slides to their specific circumstances. Refer to the Acrobat® documentation for details.