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E. MATLAB support

The accompanying disc contains a set of MATLAB-SIMULINK files. These files provide support for many problems posed in this book, and, at the same time, facilitate the study and application of selected topics.

Right mouse click here to download a zipped copy of the matlab files or right mouse click on the individual file from the table below to download it.

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File name Chapter Brief description
amenl.mdl Chap. 19 SIMULINK schematic to evaluate the performance of a linear design on a particular nonlinear plant.
apinv.mdl Chap. 2 SIMULINK schematic to evaluate approximate inverses for a nonlinear plant.
awu.mat Chap. 26 MATLAB data file - it contains the data required to use SIMULINK schematics in file mmawu.mdl. This file must be previously loaded to run the simulation.
awup.m Chap. 11 MATLAB program to decompose a biproper controller in a form suitable to implement an anti-windup strategy - requires the function p_elcero.m.
c2del.m Chap. 3 MATLAB function to transform a transfer function for a continuous-time system with zero-order hold into a discrete-transfer function in delta form.
cint.mdl Chap. 22 SIMULINK schematic to evaluate the performance of a MIMO control loop in which the controller is based on state estimate feedback.
css.m Chap. 7 MATLAB function to compute a one-d.o.f. controller for an nth-order SISO, strictly proper plant (continuous or discrete) described in state space form. The user must supply the desired observer poles and the desired control poles. This program requires the function p_elcero.m.
data_newss.m Chap. 11 MATLAB program to generate the data required for newss.mdl - this program requires lambor.m.
dcc4.mdl Chap. 10 SIMULINK schematic to evaluate the performance of a cascade architecture in the control of a plant with time delay and generalised disturbance.
dcpa.mdl Chap. 13 SIMULINK schematic to evaluate the performance of the digital control for a linear, continuous-time plant.
dead1.mdl Chap. 19 SIMULINK schematic to study a compensation strategy for deadzones.
del2z.m Chap. 13 MATLAB function to transform a discrete-time transfer function in delta form to its Z-transform equivalent.
dff3.mdl Chap. 10 SIMULINK schematic to evaluate the performance of disturbance feedforward in the control of a plant with time delay and generalised disturbance.
distff.mdl Chap. 10 SIMULINK schematic to compare a one d.o.f. control against a two-d.o.f. control in the control of a plant with time delay.
distffun.mdl Chap. 10 SIMULINK schematic to evaluate the performance of disturbance feedforward in the control of an unstable plant and generalised disturbance.
fig6_12.mdl Chap. 6 SIMULINK schematic to closely produce the trace as shown in Figure 6.12.
lambor.m Chap. 11 MATLAB program to synthesise an observer - this routine can be easily modified to deal with different plants.
lcodi.mdl Chap. 13 SIMULINK schematic to compare discrete-time and continuous-time PID controllers for the control of an unstable plant.
linnl.mat Chap. 19 MATLAB data file, with the linear design data used in solved problem.
mimo1.mdl Chap. 21 SIMULINK schematic with a motivating example for the control of MIMO systems.
mimo2.mdl Chap. 22

SIMULINK schematic to simulate a MIMO design based on an observer plus state estimate feedback.

mimo2.mat Chap. 22 MATLAB data file for mimo2.mdl.
mimo3.mdl Chap. 25 SIMULINK schematic for the triangular control of a MIMO stable and nonminimum phase plant, by using an IMC architecture.
mimo4.mdl Chap. 26 SIMULINK schematic for the decoupled control of a MIMO stable and minimum phase plant plant, using an IMC architecture.
minv.m Chap. 25 MATLAB function to obtain the inverse (in state space form) of a biproper MIMO system in state space form.
mmawe.mdl Chap. 26 SIMULINK schematic for the (dynamically decoupled) control of a MIMO system with input saturation - an anti-windup mechanism is used, and directionality is (partially) recovered by scaling the control error.
mmawu.mdl Chap. 26 SIMULINK schematic for the (dynamically decoupled) control of a MIMO system with input saturation - an anti-windup mechanism is used, and directionality is (partially) recovered by scaling the controller output.
newss.mdl Chap. 11 SIMULINK schematic to study a (weighted) switching strategy to deal with state-saturation constraints.
nmpq.mdl Chap. 15 SIMULINK schematic to evaluate disturbance compensation and robustness in the IMC control of a NMP plant. .
oph2.m Chap. 16 MATLAB function to perform H2 minimization to solve the model-matching problem.
p_elcero.m Chap. 7 MATLAB function to eliminate leading zeros in a polynomial.
paq.m Chap. 7 MATLAB function to solve the pole assignment equation: The problem can be set either for Laplace transfer functions or by using the Delta-transform. This program requires the function p_elcero.m.
phloop.mdl Chap. 19 SIMULINK schematic to evaluate the IMC control of a pH neutralisation plant by using approximate nonlinear inversion.
phloop.mat Chap. 19 MATLAB data file associated phloop.mdl
piawup.mdl Chap. 11 SIMULINK schematic to evaluate an anti-windup strategy in linear controllers, by freezing the integral action when its output saturates.
pid1.mdl Chap. 6 SIMULINK schematic to analyze the performance of a PID control that uses empirical tuning methods.
pidemp.mdl Chap. 6 SIMULINK schematic to use the Ziegler-Nichols tuning method based on closed-loop oscillation: The plant is linear, but of high order, with input saturation and noisy measurements.
pmimo3.m Chap. 25 MATLAB program to compute the Q controller for solved problem.
qaff1.mdl Chap. 15 SIMULINK schematic to analyze the loop performance of an IMC control loop of a NMP plant.
qaff2.mdl Chap. 15 SIMULINK schematic to analyze the loop performance of the Smith controller in Q form.
qawup.mdl Chap. 11 SIMULINK schematic to implement an anti-windup mechanism in the IMC architecture - the decomposition of Q(s) was done by using MATLAB function awup.m.
sat_uns.mdl Chap. 15 SIMULINK schematic to study saturation in unstable plants with disturbances of variable duration.
slew1.mdl Chap. 11 SIMULINK schematic to evaluate the performance of a PI controller with anti-windup mechanism to control a plant with slew-rate limitation.
smax.m Chap. 9 MATLAB function to compute a lower bound for the peak of the nominal sensitivity So - the plant model has a number of unstable poles, and the effect of one particular zero in the open RHP is examined.
softloop1.mdl Chap. 19 SIMULINK schematic to compare the performances of linear and nonlinear controllers for a particular nonlinear plant.
softpl1.mdl Chap. 19 SIMULINK schematic of a nonlinear plant.
sugdd.mat Chap. 24 MATLAB data file: - it contains the controller required to do dynamically decoupled control of the sugar mill.
sugmill.mdl Chap. 24 SIMULINK schematic for the multivariable control of a sugar mill station.
sugpid.mdl Chap. 24 SIMULINK schematic for the PID control of a sugar mill station - the design for the multivariable plant is based on a SISO approach.
sugtr.mat Chap. 24 MATLAB data file - it contains the controller required to do triangularly decoupled control of the sugar mill.
tank1.mdl Chap. 2 SIMULINK schematic to illustrate the idea of inversion of a nonlinear plant.
tmax.m Chap. 9 MATLAB function to compute a lower bound for the peak of the nominal complementary sensitivity To. The plant model has a number of NMP zeros, and the effect of one particular pole in the open RHP is examined.
z2del.m Chap. 13 MATLAB routine to transform a discrete-time transfer function in Z-transform form to its Delta-transform equivalent.


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